29 April 2006


i"ve been bingeing lately and i'm slowly gaining the more than 10 pounds i've lost ...but that can still be averted..startin' tomorrow i will be in starvaion mode again..(hehe)..i mean i'll be workin' out again...it's kinda addicting to continue what i've started since i've seen tangible results aside from the fact that i feel good doing the routine...tonight we'll be going to attend a site party for meeting our csat goal for the month of feb..i'm not really keen in going to the celebration but i hope i'll enjoy the crowd......i'm so full right now it makes me drowsy...till next entry..i'm lethargic

24 April 2006


'twas my birthday two days ago and although i didn't celebrate the occassion it was fun coz most of my friends greeted me and some of them took time out to call me personally...it felt good..some, whom i thought would never remember my b-day, even sent online messages....cool....yeah...i wish i could celebrate it next time with my college friends and my family of course...that would be a different experience....april 21st was another d-day...the 5th time...hehe....go figure that out..i'm outta here.....

12 April 2006

april full..

this month has been the best yet...april 6 was another d-day and on the 12th-13th i went to galera with my friends..'twas fun.....our company outing is in the offing and my birthday is near too...still experiencing euphoria....can't think straight...